
china biden and secretary of defense lloyd austin
Saturday, July 29, 2023

Biden Loses to China Again in the South Pacific

AMAC Exclusive – By Ben Solis As Biden Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin traveled to Papua New Guinea this week to...

Saturday, July 29, 2023

Michigan Becomes Haven for Firms Linked to Chinese Communist Party

AMAC Exclusive – By Neil Banerji As many Republican-led states move to restrict companies with ties to the Chinese Communist...

Friday, July 28, 2023

Thomas Jefferson, Happiness, and Giving

Several years ago, after reading hundreds of Thomas Jefferson’s letters – some short, many to family, most to friends –...

Friday, July 28, 2023

Biden’s Executive Mansion Debauchery

AMAC Exclusive – By Shane Harris Joe Biden hasn’t exactly lived up to his promise to bring “honor and decency...

Friday, July 28, 2023

Target’s Stunning Woke Collapse

AMAC Exclusive – By Neil Banerji 2023 has not been a good year for Target, as the retail giant’s full-on...

Friday, July 28, 2023

From Global Warming to Global “Boiling” the Left’s Fearmongering Gets Hotter

It’s that time of year again! As the summer heat continues, Democrats are feverishly whipping up hysteria about global warming...

Thursday, July 27, 2023

American (In)-Justice

Rule-of-law is the only thing that matters. If justice isn’t blind, then you have no rights. Ask those who live...

Thursday, July 27, 2023

“Bidenomics” Falls Flat on Its Face

AMAC Exclusive – By Andrew Abbott Ahead of his re-election bid next year, President Joe Biden is desperately trying to...

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Saving Our Republic With integrity

Integrity, accountability, and ability to speak with – not at – one another. These three elements are essential for the...

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Democrats Are Becoming the Censorship Party

A Pew Research poll released July 20 found that 70% of Democrats think the government should restrict what appears on...

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Gender Activists Playing God

If you strip away political talk about gender redefinition, affirmation, denial, and the twisted concept that positive things emerge from...

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Post ID: 530498
This [AMAC] magazine is SUPERB! So inspiring to see true journalism!
Post ID: 530497
AMAC represents my views infinitely better than that other senior organization. Articles are informative and honest.
Post ID: 530495
AMAC is straight forward reporting. I dropped AARP years ago for the leftist reporting and Obamacare. AMAC is fighting for us not the government. For that, I'm in. Thank you for being a true American for the people.
Post ID: 530489
Good luck AMAC, may you continue to grow with increased membership to further enhance your good ethics, your downright beliefs in America and your everlasting desire to make a better life for us seniors
Post ID: 530486
I received my first AMAC magazine and I absolutely love it. Keep up the great work!
Post ID: 530484
I am a new member to AMAC, and I find their newsletter to be very enlightening. The discounts they offer are great. I switched from AARP to AMAC because I feel AMAC represents my conservative views better. Thanks, AMAC.
Post ID: 530482
Have been a member of AARP for several years. About 6 years ago, they sprouted "Left Wings" promoting Obama as the savior. Discovered AMAC. Thank GOD! They present the real, undistorted picture of the issues affecting older Americans. Thank you, AMAC
Post ID: 530481
I turn to AMAC first for TRUE information about the world we live in. AMAC is trustworthy, helpful, always on top of every situation, gives all the details-not bits & pieces, and AMAC allows Americans an honest vote in the polls they print. I love AMERICA. I'm happy to have an honest source of information provided to me thru AMAC.
Post ID: 530479
I am very happy with AMAC. It is so great to have an alternative to the AARP monopoly. AARP does not represent the best interest of Senior Citizens in my opinion. They are only big because there was no other alternative and have long left us behind. AMAC is now my place.
Post ID: 530478
AMAC is providing a much-needed conservative option for seniors than AARP which supports increasingly progressive and liberal agendas that the majority of seniors do not agree with. Unfortunately, many of the seniors that I know only look at the discounts, many of which are available with AMAC as well.
Post ID: 530476
I really appreciate the [AMAC] magazine, the articles this month were exceptional!
Post ID: 530474
I love AMAC! They are the organization that really is helping seniors!! AARP is not!! Monthly newsletter is a very good read always pertaining to something relevant to Americans! Keep up the excellent work. I’m a lifelong member!
Post ID: 530473
We really enjoy our AMAC membership and their varied & interesting publications, email updates and great senior perks. We "dumped" our AARP commitments several years ago. What a pleasant relief to rid ourselves from their obvious & extremely "left" leading opinions. AMAC is a breath of fresh air! If you join you won't be disappointed. Guaranteed.
Post ID: 530472
Wonderful articles that are so well written. I wish it could be made into a story/booklet for all Americans to read, students as well! Thank you all for what you do.
Post ID: 530471
AMAC is my go-to for a conservative viewpoint in this age of liberal media bias. Thanks, AMAC! We love everything you do...great job!
Post ID: 530470
AMAC - Outstanding organization that deserves support not only from conservatives but all Americans who want Freedom as established by our Founding Fathers.
Post ID: 530469
Really love your magazine and I love what you do! Keep it coming! God Bless.
Post ID: 530465
Excellent company, great values! The advocacy work they do is priceless, and they offer so many money saving benefits!
Post ID: 530464
Concise information. Personalized contact using email with Rusty, a social security 'guru, who answered all my questions which helped me make educated decisions regarding my social security options. Varied and interesting articles.
Post ID: 530463
This [AMAC Magazine] is the best magazine I have ever read! It has the best articles; I cannot find anything in it to argue about.
Post ID: 530459
This is the senior group for conservatives, Christians and all who care about preserving freedom, not just about saving themselves a little money. Put your actions behind your values and be a member of AMAC. We have enjoyed belonging to this group.

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