AMAC Action

Advocating for You, Fighting for America

Advocacy Updates

AMAC Action would not exist were it not for the high level of engagement and support of the AMAC membership – the AMAC Army.

To learn more about AMAC Action please call 855-809-6976 or email

Calls-to-Action and Legislation


Tell JP Morgan Chase to Stop Its Assault on Protected Civil Rights – Imagine if your bank closed your account or declined to process a transaction because it objected to who you voted for, where you worship, or even your so-called “carbon footprint”! Sound farfetched? Think again!  JP Morgan Chase is also denying service to fossil fuel companies and firearms manufacturers simply because those entities don’t align with the bank’s leftist politics.  Click here to read more and take action.

Legislative Updates

Coalition of Physician and Patient Advocates Support AMAC’s Helping Everyone Access Long Term healthcare (HEALTH) Act HEALTH Act, H.R. 2986 – Free2Care, a coalition of 34 physician and patient organizations encompassing 70,000 doctors and 8 million members, views the HEALTH Act as strengthening the safety net for a vulnerable segment of society. Click here to learn more.  

AMAC Supports Bill to Protect Free Speech – The Free Speech Protection Act holds the government accountable if it violates Americans’ right to freely express their thoughts and opinions, even if they don’t align with the direction of a current Administration. Click here to see more.

AMAC Supports Resolution to Protect the Unborn – This resolution clearly recognizes that an unborn child is a person, separate from anyone else, to whom the right to life granted by God applies.  Click here to see more.

AMAC Supports Bill to Counter Institutionalized CRT and EDI – This legislation helps to stem the tide of institutionalizing Critical Race Theory (CRT), “woke” ideology, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) in business and banking, and the proliferation of “affirmative” action with respect to Treasury Department activities that should truly be focused on maintaining a strong economy and creating employment opportunities for all of us. Click here to see more.

AMAC Supports Bills to Promote Election Integrity – These bills substantially counter an Executive Order issued by President Biden that employ “approved” third party non-governmental organizations with the power to influence voting choices by exploiting Americans whose hard-earned tax dollars would be used to pay for the effort. Click here to see more.

AMAC Supports Bill to Make Charitable Giving Easier – The Charitable Act will allow taxpayers without itemized returns to make charitable donations and claim a tax credit for doing so.  Click here to see more. 

AMAC Supports Transparency in Healthcare with PATIENT Act – The PATIENT Act increases price transparency requirements for hospitals and insurers, mandates price transparency for pharmacy benefit managers (PBM) and makes it easier and more transparent for generic drugs to enter the market, among other provisions.  Click here to see more.   

AMAC Supports House Republican’s American Families and Jobs Act – The House Ways and Means Committee has put together an economic development package that helps families and businesses to invest in growing our economy. The American Families and Jobs Act is about restoring economic growth and reducing inflation to lead to a better future. AMAC is proud to support this important legislation. Click here to see more. 

AMAC & Military Veterans Advocacy Support Resolution for “Veterans Get Outside Day” – Our brave American Veterans volunteered to support and defend the Constitution, and our great nation. We owe it to them to help our Veterans live well. This bill describes that exposure to nature improves mental health, reduces the effects of depression and suicide, and encourages certain federal agencies to help our Veterans to “Get Outside.” Click here to see more

AMAC Supports Bill to Protect Seniors from Financial Exploitation – This week the U.S. House of Representatives is voting on AMAC-supported legislation to establish safeguards for seniors from financial exploitation. Click here to see more.

Advocates in Action

IA-03 Chapter Leader Jim De Kruif and Delegate Ken Smith and his wife, Mary Jo Smith, were invited by, and the chief support for, Representative Zach Nunn during his press conference as he introduced his bill to protect Social Security, Medicare, Military Pay and Veteran’s Benefits (H.R. 3157). You can see a local news report here.

Left to Right: IA-03 Chapter Leader Jim De Kruif, Representative Zach Nunn, IA-03 Delegate Ken Smith, and Mary Jo Smith

President of AMAC Action Bob Carlstrom attended a gathering hosted by the Council for National Policy (CNP) in Miami, FL. CNP brings together the country’s most influential conservative leaders in business, government, politics, religion, and academia to learn from policy experts on a wide range of issues.

Left to Right: Executive Director for the American Constitutional Rights Union Lt. Col. Allen West and President of AMAC Action Bob Carlstrom.


Meet & Greet: TX-03 Delegate Ellen Leyrer. Representative Keith Self (TX-03) met with AMAC members and answered lots of questions.

Left to Right: State Advocacy Rep. Bill Carson, Congressman Keith Self, and TX-03 Delegate Ellen Leyrer

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Post ID: 534865
AMAC is the voice of conservative Americans who believe in the founding Fathers vision for our Constitutional Republic. Now more than ever we need our generation to make a stand for the preservation of this great Nation for our children and grandchildren, that is what AMAC stands for, and fights to do. I implore you to become a member of AMAC and make a difference for yourselves and the future of America.
-Allen West
Post ID: 534864
If you’re over 50 and think that the only place you can get all the benefits and discounts you’ve earned is AARP, think again - AMAC provides all the same and more and you don’t need to compromise your values
-Mark Levin
Post ID: 534859
If you’re anything at all like millions of other frustrated Americans looking for an alternative to AARP, then it's time to join conservatives at AMAC! We must stand together to defeat the left!
-Dana Loesch
Post ID: 534858
AMAC fights for our America…Faith, Family and Freedom.
-Glenn Beck

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