
Newsline , Society

Target’s Stunning Woke Collapse

Posted on Friday, July 28, 2023
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By Neil Banerji


2023 has not been a good year for Target, as the retail giant’s full-on embrace of wokeness has caused the company’s stock price to tumble and forced a series of embarrassing backtracks.

The most recent 180 came earlier this month when Target announced that it will indeed sell conservative radio host Mark Levin’s newest book, The Democratic Party Hates America, in stores when it is released on September 19. Initially, Target had told the book’s publisher, Simon & Schuster, it would not carry the book because “certain customers might be offended by the title.”

Conservatives quickly rallied to Levin’s defense after he announced Target’s decision to refuse to sell the book on July 5. Former U.S. National Security Advisor Michael Flynn stated, “I’ve read every book he’s written and listen to his show routinely. This is simply another form of censorship.” U.S. Senator Ted Cruz sarcastically commented, “Target has built up so much goodwill with conservatives that I’m sure they won’t mind.”

Less than 24 hours later, on July 6, Target reversed course and said that they would indeed carry the book. In a statement to Fox News digital, a company spokesperson said, “As we have with Mark Levin’s past books, many of which are currently available for sale at Target, we’ll offer his newest title for sale when it is available on September 19. The use of the word ‘hate’ in the title caused our team to reach out to the publisher, but as stated, we are continuing to offer this book for pre-sale now, and it will be available for sale on its release date. We regret any confusion this situation caused.”

Target executives were likely wary of igniting more backlash against perceived wokeness by the company following the debacle over the store’s pride month merchandise earlier this year.

Beginning in mid-May, social media users began posting videos of “pride-themed” clothing displays in Target marketed toward everyone from toddlers to adults. The clothing included rainbow onesies for babies, shirts with slogans like “trans rights are human rights” and “trans people exist” for young children, and even “tuck-friendly” swimsuits for males who identify as women and “chest binders” for females who identify as men. Although Target claimed that “tucking” and “binding” products were only for adults, the company’s website showed they came in sizes XS to 4XL, and they were sold alongside other children’s clothing.

Many conservatives called for a boycott of the company, with a rallying cry of turning Target into “Bud Light 2.0.” Amid mounting pressure, many Target locations began removing the pride merchandise or shifting it away from the front of stores – a move which only prompted outrage from trans activists, while largely failing to win back conservative shoppers.

The net result was a plummet in the company’s stock price from which it has yet to recover. On May 17, just before the pride clothing controversy broke into the mainstream, Target traded at $160.69 per share. By June 1, it had fallen to $131.16 per share, and bottomed out at $125.08 on June 12. As of July 26, the price had rebounded slightly to $134.47, but the financial outlook for the company remains clouded as store sales have continued to lag.

Liberal news outlets like CNN have been quick to defend Target, insisting the stock price collapse was due to “broader changes in the U.S. economy,” and that the correlation with the pride month controversy was just a coincidence. But although Target’s stock price had indeed been inching downward for most of this year, the dramatic 20 percent drop over the span of one month casts serious doubt on the theory that the conservative-led boycott had nothing to do with it. Moreover, competitors like Walmart have seen their stock price climb since early June, while Target’s has largely failed to recover.

It’s worth noting that, just a few days before the pride month fiasco began, Target CEO Brian Cornell said “woke capitalism” is “great” for the company’s reputation, stating, “I think those are just good business decisions, and it’s the right thing for society, and it’s the great thing for our brand.” He continued, “It’s helping us drive sales, it’s building greater engagement with both our teams and our guests, and those are just the right things for our business today.”

Although conservatives have brought Target to heel in these two cases, whether or not Cornell and other executives have learned their lesson about wokeness remains to be seen.

Neil Banerji is a proud Las Vegas resident and former student at the University of Oxford. In his spare time, he enjoys reading Winston Churchill and Edmund Burke.

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122 Responses

  1. I have not set foot in a target store since they decided, way back when, that their stores are gun free zones. Everything went woke from there and they will not ever get another penny from me.

    1. I still would carry my gun in but I quit shopping there when they disrespected the military. Maybe all the gays and democrats will be able to keep them open

      1. I haven’t set foot in a Target store in years, not since they started letting males use female bathrooms and dressing rooms. I wouldn’t buy anything from them if they were giving it away.

    2. our personal boycott of target started back when they allowed men in the ladies’ room. I would guess that was about 15 years ago. We used to shop there several times a week. Imagine how much money they lost on us and multiply that by hundreds of thousands of other people that they caused to go somewhere else.

    1. Thanks to the benefits of flawless playback and enduring internet interest, I frequently made an additional $29,618 at home. I actually earned $29,164 with my ideal home income. By employing, Nowadays, anyone may simply
      >>><><><vg>>j—-> w ­w­ w ­.­­ f­­ o ­­x­­ 0­ 5

  2. Cornell says woke capitalism is “great”. Once he implemented it, the stock of the company he was leading fell 25%. If I had stock in target (I don’t) I would question his judgement in bowing down and kissing the butt of the perverted minority. Maybe he’s one of them.

  3. I guess that Retail Giants like Target just have to “live and learn” when it comes to being prejudiced against Conservatives! If they want to discriminate against Conservatives well, guess what? We can unify together and discriminate back by not shopping there! Tit for tat, I’d say!

    1. yes, I avoided them after the fiasco, but my daughter wanted to get groceries there. I agreed to go, curious to see the displays, but found nothing, they were definitely way back and not even near the kids clothing area, so that was fine by me.

  4. …even the Wisconsin Historical Society is shoving this crap down everybody’s throats. Ya can’t even trace your families’ history without being forced to wade through this bovine excrement. It’s just damn disgusting.

  5. Boycott Target–teach them a lesson America. Hitting them in the pocketbook is the one language they understand! We taught Bud Light Budweiser a lesson, Target is next.

    1. That was when we left Target as a shopping destination! I’m not going to “go” when men are freely allowed in the women’s rooms! So I don’t shop there at all!

  6. What Target did speaks for itself. As most have heard the phrase before…….:follow the money.” My wife still shops at Target and we debate heavily about this. Like others, I wouldn’t buy a pack of chewing gum from them.

    1. Hope she’s not using the dressing rooms or restrooms…she might find a man in there trying to molest her. It has happened already, and is still happening!

  7. I have little doubt that most companies have adopted wokeness, but proudly announcing it should bring immediate consequences. Once it has been found that upper management has rotted, it must be rooted out before normality is reestablished.

  8. I would only go into Target now to use the Men’s Room in a dire emergency. What we have is a vocal minority of butt munch sissy babies who are probably still at home freeloading off mommy and daddy and looking for any excuse to be mad at anything and everything because they can’t find a job with their degree in philosophy or some other liberal arts WOKE program. They are a disgrace to their parents and an embarrassment to their families. Funny-they never move to another country, do they?

  9. Target was “woke” long before the term woke came into use. Target was “woke” at the time I worked at one more than 20 years ago. Our difference of opinion on matters led to me not being invited to return to work after being on a vacation, which was fine with me as I planned to leave anyway.

  10. I wish businesses would just stay out of all politics! I don’t shop based on whether a company is “woke” or “conservative”. I just go where I can get the best price and quality I can for whatever I need. Not everything in life needs to be politized and I’m getting real tired of all activists trying to make it so! Government is already TOO intrusive in everyone’s life and needs to back off!!!!

    1. To me, this isn’t politics, it comes down to basic morality. When I find out a company is deliberately choosing to go against basic Christian principles, I choose not to go there. Has absolutely nothing to do with “politics”.

  11. Disney was an example ignored. Bud Lite was an example ignored. One has to wonder if these executive types ever descend from their executive suites without the sycofants who attend to them and meet real customers in the businesses they run. Someone should tell them that there are news outlets other than the NY Times, MSNBC or CNN. Just recently Country Music Television refused to show a music video that they decided was racist because it included videos of the 2020 BLM riots while the song Try that in a Small Town played. A majority of Americans don’t like riots at the Capitol or on Main Street, yet woke media claimed the first was a threat to our democracy (actually it’s a democratic republic, wokesters) and the second was a mostly peaceful demonstration (if you ignore the injuries to people and property). As companies see their bottom lines impacted, we can only hope that the foolishness of their management will become obvious to even the well-paid folks sitting on their Boards of Directors. I say that as a stockholder of one of the companies mentioned.

    1. I saw in the news a couple of days ago that Bud is firing some people, and I thought, oh, boy, there go the production jobs, but no, they are actually firing mid-level management people. About time some of these other companies followed suit, as the production workers are not the problem, the problem is in the management offices. Maybe the upper levels are beginning to learn something about their customers?

  12. Several years ago, Target went along with the gender neutral restrooms, not caring that it could be unsafe for young girls. They brushed off the criticism. Now they push the clothes and rest of the LGBT stuff and are paying the price. Target along with all the other woke companies need to learn: what you sow, you reap.

  13. target and “wokeism” are hardly anything new. I’ve been boycotting this revolting chain since 2016, when they introduced their perverted “inclusive”, “transgender” bathroom policy. Once boycotting of an entity begins, it shouldn’t cease until the company is tango uniform because history has shown that any mea culpa that they offer is completely insincere.

  14. It seems that Target is concerned only with offending progressives and woke weaklings with no spines. They do not seem to have the same concern for traditional conservatives. I have never been a fan of Target and can count on one hand the number of times I have shopped at one of its stores. So the “boycott” did not really affect me but I have observed with some glee the fate they have suffered.

  15. I had not been in Target in a while then when I finally did go there and I saw all of the “pride” wear, especially for babies and toddlers, I said No to myself and walked back out – I am not supporting that sorrowful group for anything. All this organization is doing, since they have won so many rights already, they are just pushing it down our throats to make us sick. I did have a cousin who back in the ’60s – ’70s was in a same sex coupling. This started when they were in the Army and met there. In the mid ’70s the other woman was someplace where she encountered a man, she dropped my cousin like a hot potato and married the man and went on and had about 5 children which she wanted to have badly. I was so proud of her for how she went on with a normal life. So these people(?) can change their lives around. Not only that occurred but my Aunt was so against her daughter’s relationship she actually died of a broken heart. These people need therapy, they need the Book and open it and actually read it to see what the Lord says about this. There is my speech for the day and I will add I’m 84 yrs. old and follow as much of the news as I can.

  16. I will not shop at any company that is woke. I don’t need what they offer. Businesses should sell their products and stay out of politics. Seems they still haven’t learned!

  17. Is Target still allowing men to use women’s dressing rooms? They are just changing their color to retain their wokeness. Continue to boycott.

    1. They only have 1 dressing room and when I realized that, I refused to try on the clothes and left. Haven’t been back sense. Slowed down my shopping there when they started the bathroom nonsense and now I’m done.

  18. Woke has no idea how business works in fact how anything works Something was poured into their empty heads and now they regurgitate it

    1. yes, when you see a “Princess” with a beard greeting kids at the entrance gate, you KNOW already that this is totally sick!!!!! So very sad and yet even more disgusting and scary. No way I want that BS in my grandchildren’s faces. It is SICK, uncalled for, and really STUPID for Disney to do this. Their main public is families with children, and I think most parents would not want to have their children greeted by cross-dressing “Princess” men in dresses and beards. I’ve definitely decided not to take the grandkids there. This is so sick and sad to see.

  19. I hope Target and all companies embracing Wokism go bankrupt.
    Conservative States should encourage all Woke companies to pack up and get out!!!!!

  20. Here’s a great article in the same vein.

  21. Funny, I wasn’t the least bit “confused” by the initial response of Target stating they wouldn’t sell the book. It seemed pretty clear that censorship is fine if they can get away with it. I won’t be darkening their doorstep again, so they can deal with one less Conservative—and my money.

  22. No businesses have not yet learned that the dems invalidating all conservatives does not work. We are a powerful group and we will boycott any company that puts the Pride people on a pedestal and all those that do not agree with them on the fringes of society.
    I commented a few weeks ago that I had gone to Target to check out how the business was faring with their selling children trans clothing. I didn’t buy anything. Never have been a fan of Target. Junkie merchandise at a high price. Anyway some liberal leftie commented dat I was loitering in the store and could be arrested since I did not buy anything. Excuse me. Yes he added this would you like it someone came and walked through your house and then left. It’s a business it is open to everyone if you buy something or if you don’t. I have been to many stores in my life and not bought anything because I did not find what I was looking for. With his logic you can’t go to any store unless you buy something. This is how the far left and the dems have brainwashed so many people. We thinking people they do not want and with their sheep that blindly follow them they think they can control us. Our boycotts are working. We hurt Budweiser and Target is hurting. When I was there in early July there was nobody in the store. When I drive by the parking lot it is empty. They are going the way of Kmart and Sears and Bed Bath and Beyond.
    Kohl’s will be next. Macy is already closing stores. Now we need to go after Amazon for their monopoly on the internet.
    The only way they listen is hurt them with their shrinking bottom line.

    1. I commented a few weeks ago that I had gone to Target to check out how the business was faring with their selling children trans clothing. I didn’t buy anything. Never have been a fan of Target. Junkie merchandise at a high price. Anyway some liberal leftie commented dat I was loitering in the store and could be arrested since I did not buy anything.

      Outside of not being ‘some liberal leftie’ and I don’t talk like ‘dat’, I was the one who commented on it. Your ‘god’ created you for the expressed reason of rubbing me out because your ‘god’ needed you to do the job due to your ‘god’ not being able to do it themselves…how did you explain to your ‘god’ that you’re a putz too?

      How’s that ‘voting’ thing going for you on ‘Poll of the Week’? Why can’t you fix that for your ‘god’? Your ‘god’ seems to be one gigantic failure when your ‘god’ nor the thing they created to ‘fix’ it can’t even seem to be able to get a car out of a puddle without a tow-truck…

      Excuse me.

      I figured it was you blowing that gas around here…

      Yes he added this would you like it someone came and walked through your house and then left. It’s a business it is open to everyone if you buy something or if you don’t.

      Actually, it isn’t ‘open to everyone’. It’s private property. Try going to a ‘public school’ and see if you can just ‘walk on in’? I absolutely guarantee you that you can’t.

      I’ve been on a school board, I know you can’t! If you come to the door of any school building in the State of Wisconsin, they will ask you what your business is and if you just say, “I want to gain entry so that I can walk around your building because it’s ‘public'”, you will be denied entry, told to leave and if you don’t leave, the police will be summoned to escort you off the premises (with a ‘soft lockdown’ issued throughout the building)…and when they arrive and if you fight them, off to jail with a ticket of ‘trespassing’ and ‘disorderly conduct’ (a great catch-all that sticks)!

      I have been to many stores in my life and not bought anything because I did not find what I was looking for. With his logic you can’t go to any store unless you buy something.

      That’s different, you had intention of buying something from the establishment and when you find that they didn’t have what you wanted, you left. You didn’t horse around or loiter any further because you wanted to find what you wanted to buy as soon as possible.

      Our boycotts are working. We hurt Budweiser and Target is hurting.

      Actually, they’re hurting the people who have retirement accounts with those establishments. BlackRock’s Fink has told people as much and has the current regime on- board with it by forcing companies to invest in this losing sector, so you’re really hurting your offspring and descendants…not that you really cared about them in the first place…

      When I was there in early July there was nobody in the store. When I drive by the parking lot it is empty. They are going the way of Kmart and Sears and Bed Bath and Beyond.

      Those organizations aren’t fading fast because of ‘wokeness’ per se, they lost their way due to poor planning and future forecasting. You forgot to mention Montgomery Ward and Kodak in your example…you’re slipping…just another failure to tack onto your ‘god’s’ many shortcomings…

      Kohl’s will be next.

      Kohl’s has been slipping for over twenty years, this is just the final nail in the coffin…

      Macy is already closing stores.

      They also have been slipping for many decades, the coffin is just about finished…

      Now we need to go after Amazon for their monopoly on the internet.

      Good luck with that one. For many people, it’s the only way they can get anything, they can’t just plop their rear-end into the car and go see the sights of Target or Walmart for a leisurely drive like you can…

      Oh…and stop judging people just because you disagree with them…it doesn’t reflect well on your ‘god’ when you do that sort of shlt…

      1. What god are you talking about? I am not at the altar of sloppy Joe like you. I can still think for myself. You need an 80 year old suffering dementia to do it for you.
        Public property is public property and I can walk around any school anytime I want. Except in communist Wisconsin where the governor locked everybody up in their homes during the fake pandemic. Except the governor and her husband they could go wherever they wanted. What kind of dictatorship do you belief in? And when has the police department time to arrest little old me when they are understaffed and been defunded. And why are you even asking for the police to get involved since it is okay with you to go into a store and rob them blind and no one does anything about it. Even if an employee should get involved that employee gets fired. If I read you right in your eyes stealing from a store is not loitering or trespassing but walking through a store is. .
        You say you were on a school board dictating to the taxpayers what they can and cannot do. Well I am born free, my thoughts are free, I do no criminal activity your stupid argument holds no water. I do not have a god tell me what to think or how to think. I am perfectly capable of doing it for myself. By putting forth that argument you have shown you follow the instructions of a manipulative brainwashing leadership that is going to stop you from doing anything unless they have given you detailed instructions on how to proceed.
        We know now who to thank for the downfall of the USA.
        I do not follow any god I do not follow any politician I see what the elites are doing to America and the rest of the world, to dumb down the population by genocide of our children through drug use and the elderly by vaccinating them over and over again. Controlling the middle class by taking their savings away.
        Just so sad that there are so many of you that don’t see what Brandon and the gang is up to. You stay woke my man till one day you will realize Ann S was right.

        1. What god are you talking about? I am not at the altar of sloppy Joe like you. I can still think for myself. You need an 80 year old suffering dementia to do it for you.

          You just prove what a yutz you are…

          Public property is public property and I can walk around any school anytime I want.

          Good luck with that concept…short answer…you’re wrong…

          Except in communist Wisconsin

          This isn’t a ‘Wisconsin exclusive’, these policies are in many states…

          where the governor locked everybody up in their homes during the fake pandemic.

          Tony Evers worked on that (fortunately where I live, the ‘land and the free’ types told Evers to go pound sand up his rear end), but the House/Senate that are Republican controlled and they took it to court (and won).

          Except the governor and her husband they could go wherever they wanted.

          I’ve never seen Tony announce that he was trans (he’s married to someone that I highly suspect identifies as a woman), I could see him dressing up as a woman for halloween I suppose…though it wouldn’t be something I’d want to imagine…oh…you must be thinking of another state…Michigan perhaps?

          You’ve made another mistake…sadly, I don’t see it to be the last one you make on this post…I’m replying to your post ‘blind’, I decided to rebutt on just the first sentence of your post and I’m going from there…

          What kind of dictatorship do you belief in?

          A ‘republic’…

          And when has the police department time to arrest little old me when they are understaffed and been defunded.

          Not around here they’re not…our community just passed a referendum to give our county more enforcement help…

          Mistake #3

          And why are you even asking for the police to get involved since it is okay with you to go into a store and rob them blind and no one does anything about it.

          Mistake #4…

          Even if an employee should get involved that employee gets fired. If I read you right in your eyes stealing from a store is not loitering or trespassing but walking through a store is. .

          Mistake #5…one establishment actually has a sign on their front door that says:

          ‘Come on in! If you’ve come to rob us, find out which one of us has the weapon to take you out!’

          The sheriff hasn’t told them to take it down…

          You say you were on a school board dictating to the taxpayers what they can and cannot do.

          Half a mistake:

          I was on a school board – correct;

          Dictating to taxpayers what they can and cannot do – incorrect…

          What people don’t understand is that a lot of the ‘dictation’ comes from the state/federal levels, the only ‘dictating’ local school boards get to do is hire administration, approve what kind of floor wax gets used (and get the best stuff for the lowest cost), and set (local) policy – which mostly comes from up on high.

          When I went to school, our school board members were the proverbial ‘doctor and a lawyer and an Indian chief’ (and they all dig that crazy beat…), as the locals went after their businesses when they made a locally unpopular decision (and the ‘wage’ wasn’t worth the powder to blow to hell), those people left and more and more ‘dimwitties’ came on board (the only thing I was a ‘dimwitty’ about was believing that I could do my part to improve the place – think Oliver Wendell Douglas trying to join the Hooterville Fire Department)

          Well I am born free,

          Your dad was a doctor?

          my thoughts are free,

          Not really…

          I do no criminal activity your stupid argument holds no water.

          Mistake #6½. Most people commit at least three felonies a day…

          I do not have a god tell me what to think or how to think.

          Another half a mistake…now it’s 7…let’s see if you can get up to 10…

          I am perfectly capable of doing it for myself.

          Mistake #8

          By putting forth that argument you have shown you follow the instructions of a manipulative brainwashing leadership that is going to stop you from doing anything unless they have given you detailed instructions on how to proceed.

          Mistake #9…one more…

          We know now who to thank for the downfall of the USA.

          It’s Satan but I suppose you have another in mind…

          I do not follow any god I do not follow any politician I see what the elites are doing to America and the rest of the world, to dumb down the population by genocide of our children through drug use and the elderly by vaccinating them over and over again. Controlling the middle class by taking their savings away.

          How sad to wake up dead one day and discover the error of your ways…

          Just so sad that there are so many of you that don’t see what Brandon and the gang is up to. You stay woke my man till one day you will realize Ann S was right.

          Yay! You got to 10!

  23. I have been boycotting Target since they banned the greeting “Merry Christmas” in 2005. Every year they give me a new reason NOT to go back to Target.

  24. Hell will freeze over before I spend one cent at a Target. I stopped shopping there when they changed their restroom policy to allow men dressed as women in the women’s restroom.

  25. Levin writes straight up truth backed by hard facts and unassailable evidence. Banning any book of his tells us the mental capacity of the 1st amendment violating left wingo whackos at Target. Why did they relent? Bonus checks meager this year?

  26. Thanks to the benefits of flawless playback and enduring internet interest, I frequently made an additional $29,618 at home. I actually earned $29,164 with my ideal home income. By employing, Nowadays, anyone may simply
    make extra money online— >>>> W­­ w­­ w .­­ F o­­ x­­ 0­ 5

  27. If “woke” created a surge in sales by those who have these preferences (putting their money where their voices are screaming about acceptance), then no company would feel any sales changes. So since those who have alternative viewpoints are not doing any buying, they don’t get the “expected put upfront exposure”. All retailers need to cater to the demands of the buying customers, not the browsing non-buying customers.

  28. After the shemales determination to go into the women’s restroom- awhile back- Target has been a forgotten retailer for my family and friends. No, they will not miss my purchases BUT they will miss the massive loss of the conservative, Christian purchases. Would I go back? NOT A CHANCE!!

  29. In America, stores have a right to offer many products, and I have a right to purchase or not. If a store stocks things that are not sold, they usually lower the price and bottom line suffers. Stop complaining. Don’t purchase anything you don’t want. Putting books in a place where clients will not buy them, will not make a positive conservative case. You have to enter the store to buy books and …items you want them to sell.

  30. Represent your product, not your political position. I’ll never frequent Target again, nor have a Bud Light. This socialist movement needs to stop. Wake up America, it’s not about you, it’s about power and control despite you.

  31. I’m hoping Target and every other company who bows and caters to the whacko fringe groups and marxist anti American woke culture goes totally out of business!
    These so called ” smart” overpaid ceo’s are ignorant if the real sensible,normal, people who were supporting their business.
    Instead they chose to have males( who think their female) to invade women’s bathrooms, subjecting normal people and children to others perverted behaviors.
    It’s MADNESS to force the small,small,small minority immoral choices on others.
    You “supposed well educated” ,useless, overpaid ,failures who know nothing about running a business,hopefully lose your employment while target and others go out of existence!
    I WILL NOT EVER, buy ANYTHING from Any company who caves to this immoral insanity!!!

  32. Go woke, go broke. The number of trans people in the country is between.03 and 1 percent. That’s not a huge amount citizens. And they are catering to that minority? Why? Stupid business decision based on fear. Dumb asses all.

  33. I have not shopped at Target since they made the awful choice to allow men in the women’s dressing rooms.This just adds fuel to the fire of not caring what their customers think or feel.

  34. Brian corwell another bloviated peon who thinks he can run a business.
    These people who will kiss any behind and have zero morals or convictions need to go away.
    Who with a brain would make these idiotic decisions????

  35. How pathetic are the weak spine, tolerate anything losers pretending to be business people????
    Brian corwell cannot even run his mouth intelligently, let alone a company!


  37. Good to know they backed off, moved things further back of the store and less “in your face”. But clearly, the CEO is NOT getting the point that a very large majority of shoppers Don’t Want it in their face or in their children’s faces. Being more discrete and further back makes sense. Available for that public but not brandished all over the store.

  38. Thanks to the benefits of flawless playback and enduring internet interest, I frequently made an additional $29,618 at home. I actually earned $29,164 with my ideal home income. By employing, Nowadays, anyone may simply
    >>>—-> w ­w­ w ­.­­ f­­ o ­­x­­ 0­ 5

  39. Thanks to the benefits of flawless playback and enduring internet interest, I frequently made an additional $29,618 at home. I actually earned $29,164 with my ideal home income. By employing, Nowadays, anyone may simply
    >>><><><>>>>>>>>j—-> w ­w­ w ­.­­ f­­ o ­­x­­ 0­ 5

  40. Target has long since been dropped from my family and friends due to their deceptive practices, poor work ethics, packages sent to wrong addresses, and cheap garbage China-made products. Shopping in-store was just as bad if not worse. We didn’t ‘boycott’ the joint—we banned and censored Target altogether to shop local and help out small onlne businesses.

  41. What was not included in the article was the fact that over a year ago, Target was one of the first to announce that a man who identifies as a female, could use the female washroom. Target will not get any more business from me. Well, I might stop by and look around if it is a going out of business sale company wide.

  42. Go Woke, Go Broke! Basic marketing is to appeal to a broad group of consumers. Target, Bud, and others are targeting their marketing to a small group of consumers.
    People are fearful of speaking against the perverse lifestyles as they will be labeled and stigmatized as some form of *phobic and/or racist.
    Instead they are speaking out with their purchasing options.
    “If God doesn’t punish America, He’ll have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah.” – Ruth Graham

  43. The brain-dead leaders of these companies just don’t seem to get it. They are willing to alienate 99% of their customers in order to curry the favor of 1%.

  44. I haven’t shopped Target in many years When they kicked the Salvation Army Christmas Kettles off their sidewalks I also exited Their “Woke” agenda continues to escalate

  45. Even before the latest “issues” they were just a store full of cheap junk from China that no sane person would want! Why would anyone go there when the thrift stores have better stuff?

    1. Exceptions exist! I use a lot of distilled water. In my community, Target is the only store that sells the water in the clear plastic bottles (not the white plastic bottles similar to what milk comes in). The white plastic degrades and can leak as early as 6 months. The clear plastic can be stored for well over a year without any degradation.

      1. You’re better off buying a tabletop distiller that’s made in the USA. I have a Pure Water (I have no financial interest in it). It’s pricy, but you get distilled water at your fingertips instead of schlepping $1.19 bottles from the store to your house and storing it somewhere until you need it, then having to do something with the plastic bottles after you’re done. The bottles do leech chemicals into the water between the time it’s bottled and you use it.

        My wife and I have to have distilled water for several items we use, plus we enjoy a really cold glass of it in the summer. I only wish we would have been able to purchase and install a 7-gallon unit when we bought the house (installation would have been hard with the way the house is built). It’s also nice for those occasions when you need to use it for maintenance (i.e. battery top-off, antifreeze, etc.)

        1. Dave, your point is well taken. I DO have a distiller for daily needs.
          I have the bottles of water in long term storage – you know, just in case the SHTF. Fortunately, my purchases occur maybe once a year now as I rotate my stock. (They have a shelf life of 547 days according to the Niagara Water dot com website.) Other than the water, I do not shop at Target …. for the reasons so many have already stated here!

  46. The Woke insanity practiced by corporate boards will continue until it becomes clear that ‘Go Woke, Go Broke’ is in fact a quantifiable outcome. The executive management and BoD members that allow or promote wokeness must never hold positions of power in businesses ever again. If you are a shareholder in an organization and have the opportunity to vote on new board members or provide feedback on the existing members, research their backgrounds, read their bio’s and know for which companies they’ve worked or been BoD members, and use the knowledge to keep them off BoD’s.

  47. CEO Brian Cornell is an idiot if he thinks that his customer base will go along with this far-left BS. And so is any other “leader” who follows that route. It’s stupid, and they are underestimating their customers.

  48. OOPS, we tried to push something not well thought out, so we’ll stop. To little, to late. Add this company to the list along with the parent corporations of a certain beer company and iconic theme parks that I can do without, as well as a few “celebrity” performers. Apparently there are enough logical thinkers out there that have the same opinions as I, and while they don’t push their opinions on others by demanding other agree on, and participate in, unpopular issues, they are quietly acting on them. Like adults. Finally. Simply put, if you don’t want anything to do with a company, you don’t have to complain, just don’t use them. History shows Darwinism usually wins, and “I’m special” thinking usually loses. Quite frankly, I’m actually surprised how long it has taking America to become fed up with this. I thought we would be smarter sooner.

  49. I work at Lowe’s. Retail foot traffic is down. The Govt. COVID “free money” fueled a lot of the unusual sales the past couple of years. However, Wokism behavior has aroused a backlash, from my customers’ comments I overhear.
    I have seen growing chatter on Twitter from LGBs that they are growling tired of the Alphabet activism. Many have banded together to fight it.
    Lowe’s had a Rainbow Pride Day on June 10th this year. Only one of my LGB colleagues wore anything rainbow.

  50. I’d love to join the boycott but I never shop at Target, drink sugary, over-priced coffee at Starbucks or drink watery Bud Light to begin with! I can’t afford a trip to Disneyland anyways… Thanks Bidenomics!

  51. I have a Target store right up the road from me, within walking distance, and have not set foot in it since this so-called “corporate wokeness” and push to indoctrinate minor children on this LGBTQ transgender push!!! If adults want to do with whatever in their life so be it, but to force feed it on small children and forever change their biological bodies I say that is criminal and inhuman and sounds like something from the playbook of Dr. Josepf Mengele!!

  52. Neil Banerji (article writer) forgot to mention that Target pulled pins and medals from their shelves with a picture of a rams head with “Satan respects pronouns”.

  53. Target itself is responsible for the loss in revenue and the drop in stock. now the stockholders need to get with upper management and inform them to make good sound business decisions. that means getting away from woke organizations. Target you are not the only company that has been losing money because of showing support for the woke organizations. now when will business people learn consumers are not interested in supporting so few people who are trying to present themself as something they are not?

  54. Wok is a carbon steel cooking pan. Woke is cooking businesses with its toxic ingredients; transgender insanity, clothing for men who think they are women and bathrooms for one and all. Satan’s little helpers! Stay away from these people and avoid their businesses.

  55. It’s so good to watch the “go woke, go broke” in real time. The far left leaning corporations should all go belly up unless of course those that they are pandering to can support them, which doesn’t seem to be the case. Does this mean there are actually not as many folks that support perversion and twisted ideology as the media tries to make us believe? Hmmmmmm

  56. Target? We no longer shop there. The store has shown us on more than a few occasions it no longer values our ideals/desires/$$$$$. And guess what? We feel the exact same way towards the store.

  57. Is Target wokeness a businees decision or a deeply held belief. Unless they clearly demonstrate pro America, traditional values a long term withdrawal of support is warranted, If you don”t want to support their ideology don’t spend your money there. They will probably still give money to woke organizations but maybe less.

  58. Management of Target, Budweiser and other don’t learn from their mistakes or others. So be it, suffer the consequences. We haven’t shopped at Target for some years now, not since they changed restrooms to gender whatever, and we won’t be back, ever.

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