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Biden Loses to China Again in the South Pacific

Posted on Saturday, July 29, 2023
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By Ben Solis

china biden and secretary of defense lloyd austin

As Biden Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin traveled to Papua New Guinea this week to discuss a new security agreement with the island nation, it was in the shadow of Chinese expansionism in the region that has left the U.S. in a precarious position.

Just days before Austin met with Prime Minister James Marape in the capital of Port Moresby, the government of the Solomon Islands signed an agreement with China on “law enforcement and security matters” – part of a decades-long effort to bring the strategically located island chain within Beijing’s sphere of influence.

Located at a critical juncture several hundred miles off the east coast of Papua New Guinea, some experts have called the Solomons the “gateway to Australia.”

Beijing has been particularly interested in Guadalcanal, the same island that U.S. Marines bravely fought on to drive out its Japanese defenders during World War II, at the cost of 7,100 dead and nearly 8,000 wounded. At about 2,000 square miles, Guadalcanal is the largest of the Solomon Islands and is home to the capital of Honiara.

After the war, the democratic West led by the United States, Australia, and New Zealand forged ties with the Solomon Islands and other South Pacific states to ensure that they would become allies, rather than fall under the influence of Soviet Russia or communist China. Due to its geographic isolation, Australia has long relied on good relations with its neighbors like the Solomons to keep trade routes open and ensure economic cooperation.

This strategy was largely successful in the latter half of the 20th century, as small Indo-Pacific island nations worked with the region’s democracies – including a rebuilding Japan – to become more developed and prosperous.

But now, Communist China seems to be deploying a strategy in the Indo-Pacific that is eerily similar to the one pursued by Imperialist Japan a century ago. However, while Japan used military might, China mostly uses economic and diplomatic pressure to forcefully dictate others’ choices (although Beijing has also been willing to flaunt the strength of its military as an intimidation tactic).

The clearest evidence of this is with Taiwan, but now the Solomon Islands are also being subject to China’s pressure campaign – and seem to be open to further cooperation with Beijing. As a sign of things to come, back in 2019, the Solomons government severed ties with Taiwan, a major sign of capitulation to Beijing.

Along with the law enforcement and security agreement earlier this month, the Solomon Islands also opened an embassy in China, and has been growing more distant from Australia and the United States.

But perhaps the most alarming development came last April, when the Solomons and China inked a secret security pact which sent leaders in Washington and Canberra into a frenzy. A leaked draft of the document, which included provisions like allowing China to dock vessels in local ports at will, and allowing Beijing to dispatch police to the Solomons to “maintain social order,” seemed to imply the Solomons were ceding much of their sovereignty to Beijing.

News of the pact broke just as the Australian Conservative government was in the latter stages of its election campaign. Conservative politicians were then bombarded with severe false media accusations favoring the opposition.

Many senior Australian government figures saw the timing of China’s announcement as a clear attempt to influence the outcome of the election. Outgoing defense minister Peter Dutton called it “obviously provocative.”

These developments have been alarming for other countries in the region as well. One former Japanese government official told this author on the condition of anonymity that when the Solomons surprised everyone with their split from Taiwan, there was “a great deal of fear” in Japan and elsewhere that “more dominoes would fall.”

But he also said he believed that this fear had been worsened by the Biden administration’s approach to the region, which differed from Trump’s four pillars of respect for every nation, reciprocal trade, peaceful conflict solving, and the rule of law. Comparing the relationship between Japan, Australia, the Solomons, and the United States to an “engine,” he said Beijing could not stop it, but would make an attempt.

However, Solomon Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare’s recent interview with a Chinese television network leaves no doubt that he has completely sold out to Beijing. During the twenty-minute appearance, Sogavare praised Xi Jinping as “an esteemed man of ideas” and bragged that he owned all four volumes of Xi’s “thoughts.”

Courtship of the Solomons appears to only be the first step in Xi’s ambitions for the Indo-Pacific. Fiji’s prime minister was also scheduled for a trip to China this week, but abruptly canceled due to an injury.

For Biden, the apparent loss of the Solomons is yet another foreign policy failure – one that leaves America and its allies at even more of a disadvantage in the ongoing great power competition with China.

Ben Solis is the pen name of an international affairs journalist, historian, and researcher.


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12 Responses

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  1. As long as Dictator Beijing biden keeps bowing down to Communist China we will continue to lose the South Pacific just like we are losing our country to his Illegal Alien Terrorist Invasion.
    Dictator Beijing biden IS a Communist China agent. Why else would we be losing the South Pacific and the United States.

  2. And just who expected anything besides a failure from this administration? Anyone? Anyone? Anyone? Yeah I didn’t think there was anyone.

  3. Surprising! I’m making more than $75k by just doing the very easy and simple online job from home. Last month my friend received $94280 from this work by just giving only a few hrs a day. Everybody can start earning money online. visit for more details…

     See………. W­­w­­w­­.­­S­­m­­a­­r­t­w­­o­­r­­k­­1­­.­­c­­o­­m

  4. Team Biden has done a masterful job of handing one vital asset after another to President Xi and the CCP. President Xi has been very clear about his ambitions in the Pacific for years, yet Team Biden has shown shoring up vital allies and assets in the region as a “well we’ll get around to it eventually” type of attitude. Thus another day late and a dolllar short in terms of diplomatic success.

    Some might chalk this up as utter incompetence by the personnel that make up Team Biden, but that would be missing the bigger picture. The people in positions of power in this administration are all completely bought and paid for the Chinese. This latest “oops!” moment is just another feather in Xi’s cap and another nail in the coffin of the United States as the pre-eminent world power. Team Biden is literally handing over strategic control of the world over the CCP, while the American people sit back and watch it all happen.

    Learn Chinese people, because you’re going to need it sooner than you think.

    1. I suggest Rocket Languages. They have a very good program. I’m currently enrolled in their Spanish course. (Mandarin Chinese is one of their options) I’m afraid PaulE is correct because our side isn’t doing squat to stop this.

      1. Add Columbia to the list, along with Argentina. Plus Boliva just agreed to use the Chinese Yuan for international trade settlement payments. Thus, yet another country walking away from using the U.S. dollar in the international economy. Bit by bit the dollar is losing its standing as the international reserve currency and most Americans don’t have a clue.

  5. “But he also said he believed that this fear had been worsened by the Biden administration’s approach to the region, which differed from Trump’s four pillars of respect for every nation, reciprocal trade, peaceful conflict solving, and the rule of law. Comparing the relationship between Japan, Australia, the Solomons, and the United States to an “engine,” he said Beijing could not stop it, but would make an attempt.”
    Trump policies worked, also helping our Alies there. Biden is incompetent.

    1. Donald Trump ran his administration for the well-being of the United States and its citizens. Those running the Biden administration are only concerned with what will hurt and degrade the United States and in turn strengthen China.

      Joe Biden doesn’t make any of the decisions in his administration. All he knows is when he is going to get his next chocolate chip ice cream cone. Biden is just the useful, dementia addled puppet being used by those actually running this administration.

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