AMAC Action

Advocating for You, Fighting for America

Citizen Advocacy Works!

Have you ever felt the call to get involved?

Citizen advocacy is critical and integral in shaping state and federal policy and legislation. Constituent participation carries substantial influence with elected officials. That’s why we’d like to invite you to join us in the fight to save the America we love.
AMAC members are invited to join our growing national network of volunteer advocates to ensure that the voice of conservatives is head and heeded.

AMAC Action Grassroots Advocacy

Our all-volunteer network of advocates are trained and empowered to become politically engaged. They advocate on key legislation to preserve the United States Constitution and promote traditional conservative American values as part of AMAC Action’s mission. We fight for limited federal government, sanctity of life, election integrity, fiscal responsibility, accountability in all levels of government, our God-given inalienable natural rights, and many other critical issues that matter to conservative Americans.

We understand that these issues matter to you, and we invite you to join us!

AMAC Action Volunteer Advocates

AMAC Action Chapters are organized regionally and at the state level with the purpose of providing fellowship and a forum for political discourse, education, networking, and action. We offer a variety of opportunities to get involved.

Our Citizen Advocacy Produces Results!

As a result of AMAC members speaking up, our advocacy efforts resulted in:

We engage Congress and state legislatures to work on issues including:
These are just a few of the priorities and challenges we have as Americans.

We invite you to stand with us!

Join or Renew Today!

Save up to 25% by purchasing multi-year memberships! All Membership packages include your spouse for FREE!
5-Year Membership


3-Year Membership


1-Year Membership


Lifetime Membership


You can also print and mail your membership application. Download the application
Post ID: 534865
AMAC is the voice of conservative Americans who believe in the founding Fathers vision for our Constitutional Republic. Now more than ever we need our generation to make a stand for the preservation of this great Nation for our children and grandchildren, that is what AMAC stands for, and fights to do. I implore you to become a member of AMAC and make a difference for yourselves and the future of America.
-Allen West
Post ID: 534864
If you’re over 50 and think that the only place you can get all the benefits and discounts you’ve earned is AARP, think again - AMAC provides all the same and more and you don’t need to compromise your values
-Mark Levin
Post ID: 534859
If you’re anything at all like millions of other frustrated Americans looking for an alternative to AARP, then it's time to join conservatives at AMAC! We must stand together to defeat the left!
-Dana Loesch
Post ID: 534858
AMAC fights for our America…Faith, Family and Freedom.
-Glenn Beck

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