AMAC in the Media

Friday, July 28, 2023

Paula Scanlan Has a New Take on the Old Song About ‘Boys and Girls Together’

Thursday, July 27, 2023

AMAC Action Weekly Advocacy Update: Anti-RCV Conference

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

“There’s A Room Full of Smoking Guns, But You Only Need One.”

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Anti-Censorship is a Bipartisan Issue for Americans

Monday, July 24, 2023

AMAC Supports Bill to Protect Free Speech

Monday, July 24, 2023

Ask Rusty – When Should My Wife Claim Her Social Security Benefits?

Friday, July 21, 2023

Dr. Sebastian Gorka: Biden at a Loss With China, the Alleged Russian Coup and President Trump Takes Back the Presidency

Thursday, July 20, 2023

AMAC Action Weekly Advocacy Update: American Conservatism

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Post ID: 534865
AMAC is the voice of conservative Americans who believe in the founding Fathers vision for our Constitutional Republic. Now more than ever we need our generation to make a stand for the preservation of this great Nation for our children and grandchildren, that is what AMAC stands for, and fights to do. I implore you to become a member of AMAC and make a difference for yourselves and the future of America.
-Allen West
Post ID: 534864
If you’re over 50 and think that the only place you can get all the benefits and discounts you’ve earned is AARP, think again - AMAC provides all the same and more and you don’t need to compromise your values
-Mark Levin
Post ID: 534859
If you’re anything at all like millions of other frustrated Americans looking for an alternative to AARP, then it's time to join conservatives at AMAC! We must stand together to defeat the left!
-Dana Loesch
Post ID: 534858
AMAC fights for our America…Faith, Family and Freedom.
-Glenn Beck

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