The Better for America Podcast

Master the Basics: Killing Bin Laden | Robert O’Neill | EP 222

Posted on Tuesday, June 27, 2023
by Rebecca Weber
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Robert O’Neill, renowned combat veteran and the man behind the fatal shots that took down Osama Bin Laden, recently appeared on the Better for America podcast, hosted by AMAC CEO, Rebecca Weber. O’Neill gives a detailed account about that fateful day and the motivation that led him and Seal Team Six to eliminate the terrorist mastermind responsible for the tragic events of 9/11. Rebecca shifts to current affairs asking O’Neill to offer a unique perspective on the Navy’s latest initiative of having a drag queen digital ambassador and provides his insights on President Biden’s foreign policy approach, which he perceives as lacking strength and potentially enabling China to rise as a dominant global superpower. Furthermore, O’Neill delves into the issue of corruption in Ukraine that is masked as “defending democracy” by the American Uniparty.

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5 Responses

  1. Inspiring and surprisingly emotional episode. My heart goes out to Mr. O’Neil (and all our service men and women) for his brave and exemplary service to this country and to every American. We owe you our lives. God Bless and Keep you safe. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, for your service to our great nation.

  2. See, that is an insider telling us how our military is deliberately being degraded with all that enforced “woke” crap. The military is based on discipline & obedience. So, it’s easy to understand that all the Progressive-Socialists have to do to destroy things is to implant unelected stooges(Austin and Milley) at the top to install their agenda. Trickle-down, baby.

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