The Better for America Podcast

Redefining Wealth in the American Economy: Insights with Charles Payne | EP 223

Posted on Friday, June 30, 2023
by Rebecca Weber
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In President Biden’s unpredictable economy on the cusp of a recession, Charles Payne says you need to redefine wealth in America. Payne, from FOX Business, with over 40 years of experience analyzing the markets, joins the Better for America Podcast to shed light on the trillions of dollars that have been poured into the economy that continue to place a burden on America’s future. Tune in to hear how this financial expert is living proof of the American dream!

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4 Responses

  1. BY normal definition, we are ALREADY in a recession! But in the Biden fantasy world, nobody will say it out loud. Words have NO meaning anymore–science isn’t science, history isn’t history, lies are now truth while truth is “misinformation.”

    1. Well said. I would add that the underlying cause is that we’re under attack on a spiritual realm; where faith in the real God is fading, the evil one is let loose to attack marriage and family, country and freedom. We are spiraling into darkness!

  2. Biden says “white supremacy” or “climate change” is the country’s greatest threat. NO, it’s not! The greatest threat to this country is fiscal irresponsibility and the Progressive-Socialists, but I repeat myself.

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