A background built on more than 25 years of small business ownership has equipped Pam Smith to handle the challenges of AMAC’s rapidly growing scope. Her positive attitude and ability to balance competing demands and priorities have proven to be an asset to the organization over the past several years, and have allowed her to play a key role in establishing the quality-level membership services platform that defines AMAC to its public.

Prior to joining AMAC, Pam was a principle in her family’s retail business, handling the myriad details that enable success in a technology-based enterprise. From the ground up, she and her husband together operated an electronics outlet, with Pam managing administrative tasks and organizing logistics for major public conferences. In the mid 2000s, she joined forces with a colleague to form a magazine publishing venture titled “Generations,” targeting a demographic that focused on the “Baby Boomer’ generation, and it was this endeavor that brought her into contact with AMAC and its mission.

Pam’s contributions to the AMAC journey have been substantial, from building the major call center environment that serves as the initial point of contact for members, to developing an array of highly-effective Customer Service policies and procedures, to overseeing the publication of AMAC’s public documents. Pam has parlayed her education, vocational experience, and life lessons into a highly-valued leadership position at AMAC.

As a valued colleague, Pam’s contagious “can do” attitude is something that her co-workers cite as a contributing factor to AMAC’s phenomenal growth and success in recent years.

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